Quick Access to Resources

Unemployment ​

If you’re having trouble getting in touch with the Department of Unemployment Assistance please fill out a constituent services request form and someone from Senator Eldridges Team will be in touch with you

Social Security Services

Due to the pandemic, all local security offices require you to make an appointment in advance. Contact your local office before you go in. Many Services can be completed online.

Today, you can request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas), apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, check the status of an application or appeal, print a benefit verification letter, and more – from anywhere and from any of your devices!


The Massachusetts Eviction Moratorium ended on October 18th. For those at risk of losing their housing, there are options available. Click here to review options available to Massachusetts residents. 

Mass Legal Help has links to many resources, including an explanation of the CDC eviction moratorium, and how to apply for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition. 

If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homeless, please click on the links below to find potential resources for you and your household. 

For emergency shelter, call 866-584-0653 and ask to speak with a homeless coordinator.

Healthcare, Health Insurance and Human Services

Click here to schedule an appointment with a MassHealth representative.

Health Care For All’s HelpLine at 1-800-272-4232 to get assistance with your health insurance application or benefits. Their team can assist you in English, Spanish and Portuguese.  

Senior/Elderly Help 

Caregiver Support Resources

Access the Massachusetts Government Support for Family Caregivers Directory HERE

Caregiver Support Help in Massachusetts: Call 800-AGE-INFO (800-243-4636)

Family Caregiver Alliance: Click Here

Looking for support groups for caregivers? Browse those HERE

Alzheimer’s Association for Caregivers - find their programs HERE or reach the Association through their 24/7 Helpline at (800)-272-3900

Massachusetts Senior Care Association

Telephone: (617)-558-0202 or 1-800-CARE-FOR

Need help finding a senior care facility? Click Here

Mass Aging Access
ASAP - Aging Services Access Points provide services older adults need to rain independent at home and to return home after a stay in a hospital or nursing home

MassHealth Resources – Customer Service Center

Telephone: 800-841-2900; TTY: 800-497-4648

Hours for Telephone Service: Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm

Enrollment Centers: 45 Spruce St, Chelsea, MA & 367 East Street, Tewksbury, MA

Government Benefits Resources

Emergency Food Assistance

FoodSource Hotline: 1-800-645-8333. This hotline is open to all and can help you find access to food resources across Massachusetts.

For Seniors who do not qualify for SNAP Benefits - Meals On Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides nutritionally balanced meals to elders, their spouses, and their dependents with disabilities in the Commonwealth. The program also provides safety checks, opportunities for social engagement, nutrition education and counseling for those it serves.

For more information on if you qualify for Meals on Wheels or to find your town please Click Here

For emergency shelter, call 866-584-0653 and ask to speak with a homeless coordinator.

Domestic Violence Resources

You can still receive emergency court services related to domestic violence:

For information on obtaining a 209A Restraining Order refer to MassLegal.org or click the button below

Safelink provides confidential support, assistance with safety planning, and referrals. You can also call their hotline, open 24/7, at 877-785-2020.

Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (JaneDoe Inc)

Resource for survivors in Massachusetts to look for programs, specific services or organizations including support groups, counseling, hospital/medical advocacy, assistance in navigating courts, child welfare, immigration, and other systems, and more. Trained advocates are there to provide support, help connect you with resources, and respect your decisions without judgement.

LGBTQ Resources

Information and support resources from the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ youth, especially focused on combating social isolation.


Head Start/ Early Head Start

Early/ Head Start programs are federal programs that provide funding for children ages 0-5 from low-income families to receive quality early education services.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

The Mass DESE is a state agency responsible for overseeing k-12 education and adult basic education in the Commonwealth. Which provides leadership, oversight, funding, support, and accountability for the Commonwealth's 404 school districts, which educate nearly 1 million public school children and 20,000 adult learners annually. 


To expand options for childcare, the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has the authority to expand currently licensed after-school and out-of-school programs to operate during the school day while children are learning remotely. The EEC may authorize childcare programs, like YMCAs, Boys and Girls Clubs, family child care homes, and others, to care for school-age children while they participate in remote learning.

Need Support In Finding Childcare/Preschool? Click the buttons below! 

Immigrant Community

The Immigration Consultation Clinic are accessible by phone. For instructions, call 617-635-2980 or email ImmigrantAdvancement@Boston.Gov

Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS)

GBLS offers a team of 70+ attorneys and 20+ paralegals provide free civil (non-criminal) legal assistance to low-income individuals and families in and around Boston. If they determine that you need an attorney and that they can take your case, GBLS will provide you with high-quality representation every step of the way regardless of your immigration status. Call or use the link below to get help.

Intake Workers speak the following languages: Cantonese; English; Haitian Creole; Mandarin; Portuguese; Spanish. For other languages, their staff uses interpreters.

Telephone: (617)-371-1234

Saheli Boston

Saheli offers non-judgemental & culturally sensitive domestic & sexual violence services that are vital to the well-being of South Asian and Arab client survivors and their children. Services include a bilingual helpline, housing assistance, legal services, and mental healths services.

iMessage/text/WhatsApp: 1-781-999-1506

MIRA Coalition

MIRA Coalition’s mission is to convene, serve, and organize together with our members, community leaders, and allies for the advancement of all immigrants across the Commonwealth and beyond. MIRA Coalition places immigrant and refugee voices at the forefront to advocate for the well-being of commonwealth communities.

For more information and resources check out our “Know Your Rights” webpage below

Mental Health Resources

Call or text 833-773-2445 for 24 hour support


Free, confidential, and nonjudgmental suicide prevention and mental health services throughout Massachusetts.

Peer Text Line For Young People - “Hey Sam” is a dedicated peer-to-peer texting service for people up to 24 years old. Designed for and staffed by young people, Free, confidential and Nonjudgmental.

Text: 439-726 l Hey Sam Hours: 9am-12am ET