Senator Eldridge Secures $500,000 in Senate FY23 Budget for Mass. New Americans Program

Funding will ensure sustained support for organizations that assist eligible low-income immigrants to successfully apply for citizenship


Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) has secured $500,000 for the Massachusetts Citizenship for New Americans Program (CNAP). Last month, the Massachusetts State Senate passed a $49.78 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The amendment would ensure sustained support of organizations across the Commonwealth that assist eligible low-income immigrants to apply for citizenship successfully.

With unanimous support, the budget makes significant, critical and targeted investments in the areas of education, healthcare, housing and community support to meet the on-the-ground challenges brought on by the global pandemic and ongoing financial uncertainty.

CNAP assists immigrants with the 22-page application and provides instructions in English and civics. As a result of the program, applicants enjoy high rates of success on the naturalization exam. Level funding will enable these programs to meet continued high demand for these services. 

“I am proud to represent a district with many vibrant immigrant communities throughout it,” said Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton). . The recently arrived Afghan refugees in my district – along with so many other immigrants – could benefit from these critical programs. I look forward to the day that these people who risked their lives for our nation become citizens.”

One in six state residents is foreign born. Over 200,000 people in Massachusetts are currently eligible for citizenship. The state funding will allow eligible diverse populations within the state to successfully apply for citizenship regardless of English proficiency and income status. 

The Senate’s FY23 Budget is available on the Massachusetts legislature’s website, by clicking here. Now that the Senate and Massachusetts House of Representatives have passed their respective budget proposals, both branches will now work together, form a conference committee and reconcile differences.



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