Senator Eldridge Secures $50,000 in FY23 Budget for Hudson Cultural Alliance

Funds will support non-profit seeking to transform Hudson Armory into a community performing arts center


Hudson, MA – State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) has secured $50,000 in the FY23 Senate Budget for the Hudson Cultural Alliance, which hopes to transform the Hudson Armory into a performing arts center in downtown Hudson. Last week, the Massachusetts State Senate passed a $49.78 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23).  The budget makes significant, critical investments in education, healthcare, housing and community support to meet the on-the-ground challenges brought on by the global pandemic and ongoing financial uncertainty.

Currently, the town of Hudson is negotiating with the state to purchase the Hudson Armory, through a $230,000 earmark that Senator Eldridge secured last year in the Senate FY22 budget.

“These critical funds will provide yet another boost to the Hudson Cultural Alliance, and the town of Hudson, to achieve an exciting vision for the Hudson Armory,” stated State Senator Jamie Eldridge. “This project has the potential to be an exciting cultural arts and economic development collaboration among state government, local government and the nonprofit sector.” 

“Numerous studies show that the arts create a “ripple effect”, by creating fun, vibrant neighborhoods that attract and retain residents and businesses while spurring economic development. The Hudson Cultural Alliance believes that the Hudson Armory Project will create its own “Ripple Effect” by bringing together families, artists, performers, and local businesses to share their stories, culture, and experiences,” stated Tom Desmond, president of the Hudson Cultural Alliance. “Senator Eldridge’s support continues to be critical to the success of this project and is greatly appreciated.”

The Senate’s FY23 Budget is available on the Massachusetts legislature’s website, by clicking here. Now that the Senate and Massachusetts House of Representatives have passed their respective budget proposals, both branches will now work together, form a conference committee and reconcile differences.



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