Senator Eldridge and Representative Sena Announce the Passage of the Green Communities Bill
Legislation would allow Boxborough to become a Green Community
Boston, MA – Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) and Representative Danillo A. Sena (D-Acton) are excited to announce the passage of H.4351, An Act relative to municipal light plant participation in green communities, sponsored by Representative Bradley Jones and Senator Jason Lewis. Previously, communities serviced by municipal light plants (MLPs) could elect to become Green Communities either by having at least one Investor Owned Utility (IOU) customer living in their town or by having all the towns serviced by an MLP adopt a renewable energy charge. This bill allows a community that shares a MLP with other towns to independently elect to pay the fee and participate in the Green Communities program, irrespective of the status of other communities.
“I am proud to have worked with my colleagues to remove a barrier to participation in the Green Communities Designation and Grant Program, and I look forward to watching even more communities embrace an energy efficient future,” said Senator Jamie Eldridge. “This is a step in the right direction that will benefit Boxborough and other municipalities that are ready to combat climate change, but were previously unable to due to lack of funds. I am grateful to MAPC, Mass Climate Action, Energy New England, Littleton Electric Light and Water District, and the constituents that have advocated for this legislation.”
“Passing the H.4351 bill is a big step towards empowering our communities to tackle the issue of climate change. I am proud to have been a part of this achievement and look forward to seeing its positive impact,” said Representative Dan Sena. “I want to thank all that have supported us in passing this legislation.”
In the Commonwealth, 50 cities and towns are serviced by municipal light plants, with 25 of these communities already participating in the Green Communities Programs. These municipalities have documented success in utilizing renewables and other carbon-free resources, including the addition of solar, wind, and hydro projects, as well as taking energy-efficient measures such as replacing all street lights with high-efficiency LEDs.
There are 15 cities and towns served by MLPs that serve multiple communities; six of which are already designated as Green Communities. Some of the remaining municipalities have been rejected from the Green Communities Program due to not meeting the current requirement that all towns serviced by the MLP pay the renewable energy charge. H.4351 will allow these municipalities to access Green Communities Program funding.
Francie Nolde, Boxborough Sustainability Committee Chair, said, “The passage of this bill gives towns like ours significant help in combating climate change. We are grateful for the leadership and hard work of Senator Eldridge and Representative Sena in getting this bill through the Legislature.”
"The Massachusetts Climate Action Network is grateful to Senators Eldridge and Lewis, and Representatives Sena and Jones for their attention to this barrier in the law which has, for far too long, inhibited communities from taking action to transition to a clean and just energy future. The passage of this bill is a wonderful step toward ensuring that every community served by municipal utilities is able to effectively combat the climate crisis while providing much-needed benefits to their residents," said Logan Malik, Interim Executive Director, MCAN.
“Energy New England is delighted with the passage of this Green Communities legislation that resulted from incredible legislative collaboration and a willingness to get this important legislation done – even after the formal legislative session had ended”, said John G. Tzimorangas, Energy New England President and CEO. “We look forward to now having more communities join the Green Communities on their schedules that do not impact the other communities standing with municipal utilities.”
“Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments is thrilled that the State Legislature was able to pass the Green Communities bill that allows communities such as Boxborough to become a Green Community. We look forward to working with the town of Boxborough to realize their goal of becoming a Green Community” said Nick Lawler, LELWD General Manager.
“This bill opens the door for more communities to receive a Green Communities designation, which is important to our entire region as we work toward a net zero future for Greater Boston,” said Katherine Antos, who recently joined the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) as Deputy Executive Director of Planning and Sustainability. “Becoming a Green Community helps cities and towns gain access to vital state funding and resources that support energy efficiency improvements and clean energy projects in their municipal buildings, and we are excited that the Legislature has ensured that communities served by Municipal Light Plants have a viable pathway to participate.”
The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has funded renewable energy and energy efficiency projects for designated Green Communities totaling $160 million. The passage of H.4351 will enable more communities to receive this funding, participate in the energy transition, and achieve bold strides towards Massachusetts’ net zero future.