Senator Eldridge Announces High Quality Summer Learning Grants to the Harvard and Sudbury Public Schools from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Public Schools in Sudbury and Harvard will receive funding for comprehensive summer learning opportunities


Image: Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, Sudbury MA


Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) is pleased to announce two grants awarded to Harvard and Sudbury Public Schools by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Sudbury Public Schools were awarded $100,000 and Harvard public schools received $75,000. 

The purpose of this state and federal competitive grant is to support the development and expansion of high-quality, comprehensive summer learning opportunities and partnerships in districts to address both the academic and social-emotional impacts of COVID-19 on students.

“My sincere congratulations to the Sudbury and Harvard school districts, and their educational leaders, on receiving the grant. The fund allows these two schools in the district to create engaging summer programs and support students who may have been impacted by the change in learning in the schools, as a result of the pandemic,” said State Senator Jamie Eldridge. “I want to thank DESE for its work, and providing these grants to the Harvard and Sudbury schools.”

“The Sudbury Public Schools worked incredibly hard to provide a quality education for all students during the pandemic,” said Representative Carmine Gentile (D-Sudbury).  “I am delighted to learn that they were chosen to receive this grant to further meet the academic and social emotional impacts which COVID-19 had on our students and deliver comprehensive learning opportunities for students this summer” Gentile added.

“I am so glad to see Harvard receive this funding for summer learning offerings,” said Representative Danillo Sena (D- Acton). Expanding educational opportunities for our students is critical, and I am grateful to DESE for awarding Harvard with this grant."

Schools will use the fund to develop a new summer program and offer at least 150 hours of evidence/research-based programming with a focus on academic and social-emotional learning opportunities. With the grant, schools will offer engaging and interactive programming, including enrichment and recreation activities, that will excite and motivate students to attend, build relationships, and promote youth voices. 

Summer learning will be carried out in a culturally responsive, anti-racist, and welcoming environment, through partnerships with community-based organizations for cost and resource-sharing to address the needs of the district and families. 

A total of $4,000,000 were awarded to schools across the Commonwealth. The funding was made possible through the state’s summer learning budget, federal Elementary & Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER), and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds. 



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