Letter of Support for Southborough’s MassTrails Grant Application

Text of Letter (PDF)

January 24, 2021

Amanda Lewis, MassTrails Program Manager
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation

Dear Ms. Lewis,

As state legislators representing the Town of Southborough, we write today in strong support of the Southborough Trails Committee (STC) application for a MassTrails grant. The grant will fund the Peninsula Trail construction which will close the largest remaining Southborough gap in the Boroughs Loop and Aqueduct Trail, and connect them to the Bay Circuit Trail.

Throughout the pandemic, our community’s outdoor spaces have served as places of exploration and relaxation for residents during a time when both were few and far between. The completion of the Peninsula Trail represents a unique opportunity to increase the walkability in town; enhance recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities; and improve connectivity to regional trail networks and surrounding communities. Not only that, but the funding from this grant will also build upon existing efforts to strengthen community engagement and enhance environmental awareness.

Thank you for your consideration of this application and we are hopeful the grant will be awarded for this important project. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices with any questions.


James B. Eldridge
State Senator
Middlesex & Worcester District

Carolyn C. Dykema
State Representative
8th Middlesex District