194th General Court Legislative Session

Anti Poverty Legislation

  • SD.1380 An Act to reduce poverty by expanding child and family tax credits (EITC bill)

  • SD.2106/ HD. 3851 An Act to promote economic mobility through matched savings

  • SD.533/ HD.467 An Act establishing an office of economic empowerment

Civil Rights Legislation

  • SD.1670/ HD.3816 An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents (Safe Communities Act)

  • SD.849/ HD.973 An Act designating January 30 of each year as Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution in Massachusetts.

  • SD.2386/ HD.4129 An Act promoting the civil rights and inclusion of American Muslims in the commonwealth

  • SD.1613 An Act relative to civil remedies for sexual assault by an officer

  • SD.1678 An Act protecting the privacy of library user data

  • SD.249/ HD.400 An Act to protect vulnerable elders from abuse

  • SD.369/ HD.765  An Act extending voting rights in municipal elections to noncitizen voters of the commonwealth

  • SD.372/ HD.761 An Act establishing a designation of a state protection and advocacy system

  • SD.645 An Act relative to rape by an officer

Clean Energy and Climate Change Legislation

  • SD.1671/ HD.2577 An act relative to a feasibility report on solar rooftop energy on new buildings

  • SD.1674/ HD.3369 An Act establishing a climate change superfund

  • SD.2488/ HD.4154 An Act Facilitating Distributed Energy Resources in the Commonwealth

  • SD.2553/ HD.4155 An act maximizing and optimizing small-scale assets in Communities (MOSAIC)

  • SD.847/ HD.3597 An Act protecting drinking water quality in private wells.

  • SD.2383/ HD.4245 An act relative to Alternative Portfolio Standards

Consumer Protections Legislation

  • SD.1209/ HD. 2405 An Act relative to fairness in debt collection

  • SD.617/ HD.1803 An Act removing social security numbers from death certificates

Criminal Justice Reform Legislation

  • SD.1020/ HD.1709 An Act promoting fairness in parole

  • SD.1686 An Act relative to judicial oversight

  • SD.2413/ HD.819 An Act to End Lifetime Parole for Juveniles and Emerging Adults

  • SD.310/ HD.949 An Act to prevent the imposition of mandatory minimum sentences based on juvenile adjudications (Give Youth a Future)

Economic Development Legislation

  • SD.1213/ HD.2541 An Act to establish a Massachusetts public bank

  • SD.846/ HD.2997 An Act relative to affordable housing and environmental adaptation dollars (AHEAD Act)

  • SD.1132/ HD.1651 An Act relative to non-Commonwealth entities

  • SD.1675 An Act relative to economic opportunities in the cannabis industry

Education Legislation

  • SD.1664 /HD.2813 An Act to establish comprehensive rights and career advancement for contingent faculty in public higher education.

  • SD.300/HD.1473  An Act relative to debt-free public higher education

  • SD.1029/ HD.2014 An Act uplifting families and securing the right to strike for certain public employees

Environment Legislation (Waste Reduction/Protection/Revenue) 

  • SD.2377/HD.3831  An Act relative to plastic bag reduction

  • SD.1668/ HD.1423 An Act relative to maintaining adequate water supplies through effective drought management

  • SD.2569/ HD.4256 An act providing state grants for municipal sustainability directors

  • SD.1672/ HD.2981 An act to protect pollinators and public health

  • SD.2363/ HD.2849 An Act protecting wastewater and sewerage systems through the labeling of non-flushable wipes

  • SD.2572/ HD.3157 An Act relative to greywater recycling

  • SD.1666/ HD.2606 An Act providing for the establishment of sustainable water resource funds

Government Accountability Legislation

  • SD.368 An Act relative to fair elections

  • SD.467 An Act to provide sunlight to state government (Sunlight Act)

  • SD.301 An Act establishing a legislative fiscal office

  • SD.366  Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution establishing an independent redistricting commission

  • SD.370/ HD.248  Resolutions for a United States Constitutional Amendment and a limited amendment proposing convention (We the People)

  • SD.373/ HD.784 An Act in furtherance of the Citizens Commission concerning a Constitutional Amendment to secure government of the people

  • SD.444/ HD.2139 An Act relative to the effective enforcement of municipal ordinances and by-laws

Healthcare Legislation

  • SD.2341/HD.1228 An Act establishing medicare for all in Massachusetts

  • SD.1683/HD.1840 An Act ensuring safe medication administration

  • SD.2030/HD.3642 An Act establishing a public health option

  • SD.2573 An Act putting patients over profits in hospital licensure

  • SD.304/HD.817 An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters

  • SD.621/HD.340 An Act ensuring access to specialty medications

Housing Legislation

  • SD.1305/HD.2996 An Act to regulate junk fees in rental housing

  • SD.1129/HD.2889 An Act relative to the Massachusetts lead law and promoting equal access to lead-free housing

  • SD.468/HD.815 An Act to promote housing cooperatives

Raising Revenue Legislation

  • SD.1377/HD.2466 An Act aligning the long-term capital gains tax rate with the short-term capital gains tax rate

  • SD.309/HD.988 An Act to allow cities and towns to increase the local tax rate on meals

  • Workers Rights Legislation

  • SD.466/HD.706 An Act to protect injured workers

Reach Out to Me.

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